Has anyone here installed heat in a Giles?
If so, what did you do? Van's heat muff? Other?
I don't need it to be as cozy as the Super D but enough to take the edge off would be nice without too much weight added.
Has anyone here installed heat in a Giles?
If so, what did you do? Van's heat muff? Other?
I don't need it to be as cozy as the Super D but enough to take the edge off would be nice without too much weight added.
Electric option
Hi LJ.
My G-200 (N220DJ) was previously owned by a Canadian airshow pilot. He had installed a 12v jack that he used to power a heated motorcycle vest. The only catch was the 8A B&C alternator; he may have been draining the battery while the vest was in use.
Certainly a lot easier than installing a muff, a valve, a control linkage, and hose. Not to mention cutting a hole in the firewall.