Kit #11
This kit belongs to Vittorio Primultini. He was an AWAC team member for the Italian team in 2002. He is corresponding with me (Bob Freeman) as he finally gets going on his kit (2/7/2009). He is looking for advice on any and all things that people would recommend. He has had this kit in it's current state since at least 2002 and probably longer ago than that.
My G-200 kit #11
My G-200 kit is N.11. I purchased it in 1995 and started to build it right away. This is my first homebuilt airplane so I went VERY SLOWLY. At a certen point I stopped all works as I had other thinks to do in my life. Now it's time to take this project to it's end so together with a more experienced friend we are now working overtime. We are building the plane in Caorle, about 30 Km East of Venice on a nice airfield.
I am looking all over the place for upgrades or "second thoughts" on ailerons, wings, stabilizer, rudder, basicaly all parts that will not be accessible once completed. If you did modify somethig, or wanted to afterwords, please send me an email with your idea. I will most lukely implement it into my G-200.
Work in progress.
Me and a friend are finally
Me and a friend are finally working hard to finish my G-200 project. I am posting some pictures on a page I made on Facebook. Here is the link to it:
Work in progress.